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Committee Membership

There are four committees of the Board of Retirement. The Investment Committee is comprised of the full Board, and all investment related decisions are made during the Investment Committee meetings. There are three other committees which meet, as needed, on subject matter topics and report their findings to the Retirement Board for recommended action.

The members of each committee are listed below. To learn more about these committees and see a complete description of duties and responsibilities for each committee, please view our Governance and Policies.

Retirement Board
Investment Committee
Neil Baker
Neil Baker
Travis Balzarini
Travis Balzarini
Chris Coursey
Chris Coursey 
Amos Eaton
Amos Eaton
Greg Jahn
Greg Jahn, Chair
Erick Roeser
Erick Roeser, Vice Chair
Joe Tambe
Joe Tambe
Mark Walsh
Mark Walsh
Brian Williams, Chair
Brian Williams
Bob Williamson, Vice Chair
Bob Williamson


Admin-Benefits Committee
Audit Committee
Disability Committee
Neil Baker
Travis Balzarini, Vice Chair
Neil Baker
Travis Balzarini, Vice Chair
Greg Jahn
Travis Balzarini
Chris Coursey
Amos Eaton
Joe Tambe 
Mark Walsh
Erick Roeser, Chair
Brian Williams, Chair
Brian Williams
Joe Tambe  
Bob Williamson, Vice Chair
Bob Williamson, Chair