Governance and Policies
The Board of Retirement is responsible for establishing policies governing the administration of the Plan, making benefit determinations and managing the investment of the Plan's assets. The day-to-day management of SCERA is delegated to a Chief Executive Officer appointed by the Board.
Charters describe the responsibilities of the Board, and each Committee of the Board.
The Policies are the established procedures of the Board.
- Actuarial Funding Policy
- Administrative Hearings
- Article 8.4 Community Property Division
- Assessment and Determination of Compensation Enhancement
- Benefit Appeals
- Travel and Expense Policy
- Board Communications
- Board Education
- Board Operations
- Bylaws
- COLA Policy
- Compensation Earnable and Final Compensation
- Conflict of Interest Code
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Correction of Benefit Payment Errors Policy
- Correction of Contribution Collection Errors Policy
- Deductions from Retiree Payments
- Disability Retirement Policy and Process
- Election Procedure
- Felony Forfeiture Policy
- Interest Crediting and Reserve Policy
- Investment Policy Statement
- Optional Settlement Policy
- Placement Agent Disclosure Policy
- Placement Agent Disclosure Form
- Procurement and Service Provider Selection
- Public Records Policy
- Securities Litigation Policy
- Statement of Expectations
- Use of SCERA Member Addresses